Coronary arteries
The arteries supply of the heart consist of :
1- Right coronary artery
- the right coronary artery arises from anterior aortic sinus of ascending aorta .
- it's take a course in runs forward between the pulmonary trunk, and the
right auricle, and descends vertically in the right atrioventricular
groove, then continuos posteriorly to anastomosis with the left coronary
artery in the posterior interventricular groove .
- Branches of the right coronary artery :
- The
atrial branch ( supply the anterior and lateral surface of right atrium
), and give one small branch called ( Sinu-aterial nodal branch ) which
in supply the nodal of both aterial .
- The right conus artery ( supply the infundibulum of the right ventricle ) .
anterior ventricular arteries ( supply the anterior surface of right
ventricle ), the marginal branch is the largest artery of them, and runs
toward the apex .
- Posterior ventricular arteries ( supply the diaphragmatic surface of the right ventricle .
- The
posterior interventricular artery ( supply the posterior surface of the
ventricular septum except the apical part of septum, and gives branch
to atrioventricular nodal ), then runs to apex of the heart .
2- Left coronary artery
- the left coronary artery arises from posterior surface of aortic sinus of ascending aorta .
- it's take a course in passes between pulmonary trunk and left auricle,
then enters atrioventricular groove to divide into the anterior
interventricular arteries, and the circumflex artery .
- Branches of left coronary artery :
* The
anterior interventricular arteries ( supply the right and the left
ventricles with the apical part of the ventricular septum ), it's gives
three branches :
- Medial branch of left descending artery .
- Lateral branch of left descending artery ( diagonal ) .
- Left conus artery .
* The circumflex artery ( supply the left atrium and ventricle ), it's gives three branches :
- A left marginal artery ( the largest branch ) .
- Anterior and posterior ventricular branches .
- A left atrial branches ( supply the left atrium ) .
Right coronary artery
ascending aorta
Left coronary artery
ascending aorta
Sinuatrial nodal branch
Right and left coronary artery
Right marginal artery
Right coronary ( anterior ventricular )
Left marginal artery
Left coronary ( circumflex artery )
Circumflex artery
Left coronary artery
Left diagonal artery
Left coronary artery ( anterior
interventricular )
Atrioventricular nodal branch
The right coronary artery
Aterioventricular bundle branch
The right coronary artery
Left conus artery
Left coronary artery ( anterior
interventricular )
Right conus artery
Right coronary artery
Sources :
- Snell anatomical book, 8 Edition ( 86 - 87 ) .
- Grants anatomical book, 13 Edition ( 56 - 58 ) .
- Atlas of Human Anatomy, 6 Edition- Frank H. Netter, M.D ( Plate 215 – 216 ) .
- Coronary circulation, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Written by Mubark A.Wilkins
Copyright ©
Not to be reproduced without permission